Holiday Survival Guide Home Workouts
As the holidays quickly approach, we all get pressed for time and going to the gym seems out of the question. At Motivate Fitness we understand this so we’ve come up with 3 simple workout programs you can do at home to survive the holidays without gaining extra weight.
All you need is your very own body weight and some space and maybe some resistance bands.
1) The Living Room Workout - 20 Minute Workout
There are six exercises that last 1 minute each. They are as follows:
- Running in place
- Squats
- Push-Ups or Plank Holds (or combo of both)
- Reverse Lunges
- Mountain Climbers
- Lateral Hops
2) The 10-Minute Workout
Remember you don't need to spend hours in the gym each day to get in shape. The key is that "any" amount of exercise is absolutely better than nothing. If you are feeling unmotivated, ask yourself if you can at least commit to 10 minutes. Most of us can so here's what to do: perform 60 seconds short intervals with a one-to-one work/recovery ratio. These can be done in a few different ways:
1) six, 10 second sprints with 10 seconds of recovery between each sprint
2) three, 20 second sprints with 20 seconds of recovery
3) two, 30 second sprints with 30 seconds recovery
4) one 60 second sprint.
Eight to ten of these mini-interval sessions comprise a successful program. Remember to leave a 1-to-2-minute recovery between sets of 60 second intervals to maintain anaerobic quality. (You can stretch while you recover!)
What's even better is that if you do not have access to cardio equipment, you can use stairs, hills or simply the street.
3) Resistance Band Workout
Perform one set of each exercise with minimal rest in between each one. Go through all 7 exercises then rest for 1 to 2 minutes and repeat. Try to do at least three rounds.
- 1/2 Kneeling One Arm Overhead Press- start with one knee on the ground and one knee up. Place the band under your down knee shin to anchor the band. From there grab the handle and perform an overhead pressing motion. Keep your core tight and maintain good balance. This will challenge your stability as well. 15x
- Upright Row - Stand on the band with one or two feet to adjust the tension. Holding the handles perform an upright row while keeping your core tight with your shoulder blades back and down. 15x
- Push-Ups- start in a push up position holding the handles with the band wrapped across your upper back. Max number you can do.
- Squats- Stand on the band holding the handles up by your shoulders to create tension. 15-20x
- One Arm Rows - start in a lunge stance while standing on the middle of the band under your front foot. The closer your put your foot to the handle the more tension you can create. Grab the handle and bend forward at the hips and perform a rowing motion. 15x
- Tall Kneeling Overhead Tricep Extensions- in a tall kneeling position place the band under your shins. Grab the handles with the band behind you so that your hands are on your shoulders with bent elbows. From there extend your elbows to the ceiling. 15x
- Standing Bicep Curl- Stand on the band with one or two feet to adjust the tension. Grab the handle and perform a bicep curl. 15x